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Losing Membership Eligibility

When a member retires or dies, membership eligibility is lost on the day following the event.

In addition, if a member is no longer a full-time teacher or full-time employee, eligibility is lost.

  • If a member loses membership eligibility, the “Membership Card”, “Membership Card for a Dependent” and “Elderly Recipient Card” must be returned promptly to PMAC through the member's school.
  • If a member is not employed immediately after retirement, the procedures to join the National Health Insurance and National Pension Program must be promptly executed. The PMAC System also offers a Voluntarily Continued Insurance Plan.

Membership Records of Pension Benefits

When a member under age 70 retires, a “Membership Records of Pension Benefits” that shows the member number, membership period, etc. is issued.

  • This record must be carefully kept because items such as the member number, which are required when becoming a member again or making a request for pension benefit payment, are printed on it.
  • The address after retirement must be notified to the school because this record is issued through the member’s school.

Procedures for National Pension upon the Loss of Qualification

When losing membership eligibility, becoming a dependent, no longer satisfying the requirements for dependency approval, or dependent’s address being changed; the National Pension Insured Person’s type change/type confirmation/address change must be notified. (refer to Notifying the National Pension System)

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