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Types of insured persons in the National Pension

All residents of Japan between the ages of 20 and 59 are required to be enrolled in the Japanese pension system. Insured persons in the National Pension are divided into the following three categories:

Category 1 Insured Persons

Residents aged between 20 and59 for which Category 2 and 3 do not apply.

  1. self-employed workers, farmers and their spouses
  2. unemployed persons and their spouses
  3. students

Category 2 Insured Persons

Participants aged 64 or younger in PMAC and other employee pension schemes (general employee pension/mutual aid pension)

Category 3 Insured Persons

Spouses aged between20 and 59 who are approved as dependents of Category 2 Insured Persons.
Even if the person does not receive approval of their status as a dependent spouse because he/she is currently insured by voluntarily continued health insurance after retirement, if the person is age 59 or younger and his/her annual income is less than 1,300,000 yen (1,800,000 yen if he/she receives disability pension benefits), the person is categorized as a Category 3 Insured Person.

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