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Inpatient care benefit, Dependent Inpatient care benefit

  • For hospitalization of five days or more, a member will be paid 500 yen and a dependent will be paid 400 yen per day.
  • The benefit is payable only for insurance covered hospitalization.
  • The benefits are paid automatically. No forms or documents are required.

Meal costs during hospitalization

A patient shall pay the meal expense as specified in the following table as we will cover the exceeding amount.

Patient type

Copayment per meal

Regular income earner

460 yen

Low income earner (for hospitalization of 90 days or less)

210 yen

Low income earner (for hospitalization of 91 days or more)

160 yen

Low income earner aged 70 or more (Type 1)

100 yen

Living costs during hospitalization

When a patient aged 65 or more uses a long-term care bed, the patient shall pay the medically supervised meal and living expense as specified in the following table as PMAC will cover the exceeding amount.

Patient type

Standard daily copayment

Regular income earner
Patient under long-term treatment (Type 1)

460 yen per meal
370 yen as living cost per day

Regular income earner
Patient under long-term treatment (Type 2)

420 yen per meal
370 yen as living cost per day

Low income earner
Low income (Type 2)

210 yen per meal
370 yen as living cost per day

Low income earner
Low income (Type 1)

130 yen per meal
370 yen as living cost per day

Note 1:
The long-term treatment (Type 1) applies to insurance-covered hospitals which provide living treatment (e.g. dietary management by nutritionists) conforming to the standards specified by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare

Note 2:
The long-term treatment (Type 2) applies to insurance-covered hospitals that do not satisfy the standards specified by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare

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